FAFSA renewal
When students don’t renew their FAFSA or wait to file until the last minute, they run the risk of not receiving financial aid before tuition bills are due. But getting students to renew their FAFSA on time can be a challenge.
What can you do?
We’ve designed a communications campaign to remind students to renew their financial aid every year.
Want more? We also have guidance on how to help students renew state-specific aid and complete verification. This content is included in the free downloadable resources below.
Recommended content for the first email: FAFSA Launch
Get started
Resources to optimize your own communications to support FAFSA renewal
Recommended messages and campaign strategy
One-page checklist of best practices for communications
Free, editable template for you to customize and use at your school
Related links
If your school offers information sessions or FAFSA workshops, check out our tips for getting students to attend appointments
To go beyond FAFSA, check out our best practices for effective communications
Get hands-on instruction at one of our Communications Workshops